Life Stories: The Story of our Month | San Francisco Bay Area Photographer

It’s been a busy month for me.  As the deadline for this month’s Life Story began encroaching upon me, I had to make a decision: spend a ton of time shooting and then editing pictures of my children playing OR spend that time just playing with my children.

I chose the latter.

As a photographer, I see it as my job to document their lives.  And believe me, they are WELL documented.  And in my endeavor to tell the perfect story, capture the perfect image of the perfect moment that just so happens to be captured in the perfect light with the perfect clothing, I sometimes lose sight of the simple fact that my children want to spend time with me.

And while I love doing these Life Stories and hope to have the time to do a “real” one next month, this month, I just didn’t want to take the time to tell the full story of anything.

I just wanted to spend time with my kids.

And so I did.

So, what I’m sharing here is just some of the pictures I captured this month.  Not a full story of any one event… but just snippets of our month.

We biked.

We waited for friends to arrive.We went to the library and read book after book after book.

I found my daughter immersed in cat books.

We swung.

We played in the sun.

We went to the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco.

We hunted for eggs, played with cousins, and laughed with family.

We ducked.

We played tennis…

…it was hot.

And we hugged.  And we loved.  And we laughed.

So, there you have it.   I suppose it IS a life story of sorts.  The story of our month.

If you are not familiar with this whole Life Story thing, well, I hate to say it, but you’ve been missing out.  It’s basically a blog circle…start here, and follow the links at the end of each blog post to continue the circle!  You can get a full description of what it’s all about right HERE.  And if you want to see some of the other ones, you can go over there yonder to the left, click on the Categories tab, and then click on Life Stories.  It’s been a fun project for me this year, and I’m happy to be part of such a wonderful group of photographers who are participating in this with me!

Speaking of wonderful photographers, up next is Audrey Frantz of Kentiga Photography!  Follow all the links at the end of the post until you end up back here!  Thanks for visiting!

You can follow me on Facebook right HERE.


About the Author:


  1. Amber
    April 27, 2012

    And you made us all smile…AGAIN. It’s amazing what the world looks like from your perspective. It’s sunny and happy and full of everything life should be. I LOVE your posts <3 I kinda hope you end up having to post an entire month's worth in May too :)

  2. Kathleen Weibel
    April 27, 2012

    Love your month! Such happiness and joy!

  3. Audrey
    April 27, 2012

    You guys had an amazing month! I’m glad I got a peek into it.

    By the way have I told you how much I just adore your new blog? It totally rocks and is so you!

  4. amy lenhart
    April 27, 2012

    loved your month!!! thanks for letting us enjoy it!!

  5. Danielle Frank
    April 27, 2012

    This is PERFECT. Sometimes it’s so hard to document and play at the same time and you did it so well. You’re kids are so adorable, I love how intent your son is when he’s immersed in the book :)

  6. Amy
    April 27, 2012

    I love your snippets!!
    And after all, life is but a series of snippets. Many many great memories that we often only remember in one mental snapshot :)

  7. Jen
    April 27, 2012

    I *LOVE* this post. They might not all be from the same day, but your photos definitely tell a story of a loving family. There is so much love and joy here.

  8. Jen Snyder
    April 27, 2012

    Perfection <3 This is a great reminder to be present with our kids, and not hide behind a camera all the time.

  9. Verity
    April 27, 2012

    love, love! looks like you had a month filled with love and laughter :)

  10. Azure
    April 27, 2012

    I love these so very much!! Maybe one of my favorite “life stories” as it truly is a story of your life together. Love.

  11. Beth
    April 27, 2012


  12. Kel Ward
    April 27, 2012

    This is absolutely WONDERFUL, Laura! I love it! I think this is a perfect life story…a month in the life of your family! Awesome.

  13. Barbara Hurst
    April 27, 2012

    So crisp and clear, beautifully done Laura.

  14. ShellyS
    April 27, 2012

    These are fabulous, Laura! Thank you for sharing the story of your month. 😀

  15. Rachel
    April 27, 2012


  16. Beth
    April 27, 2012

    Love my Life Stories for the same reason… It reminds me to keep it real. Thanks for sharing!

  17. Jessica Deane
    April 27, 2012

    This was my kind of story!! love these!

  18. Nancy
    April 28, 2012

    I’ve always pictured your family just like this…laughing, having fun, being together. Love this!

  19. Cari Berry
    April 28, 2012

    I love them all, as I love everything you do, but my favorites are the swing and the hose. So awesome. Love the way you see things, love your lens choices. Love your kids and your color and your everything!! <3 Good choice on spending more time with the kids – you've really captured some great memories of their childhood here…

  20. Nicole Ridella
    April 28, 2012

    What a gorgeous month you had… Love seeing life through your lens!

  21. Danielle McCarty
    April 30, 2012

    This is just perfect, I love every bit of it!

  22. Aimee Maughan
    May 01, 2012

    Can you just plan a family vacation to Utah with a special session open for the Maughan family Photos? We have got mountains, lakes, deserts….you name it. Oh yes and really nice people. :) Really though if you are ever here and have some sessions open we would love a slot. Love your work!

  23. angela ross
    May 01, 2012

    looks like you guys had a great month spending time together!!! your kids are just gorgeous, thank you for not only sharing a story but a whole month!

  24. Taryn Chrapkowski
    May 03, 2012

    Every time I come to your blog I am just blown away. I love your perspective in all of your images – and the true magic you capture in them. LOVE THEM ALL!

  25. Sylvia Borgo
    May 09, 2012

    Ahhhhh, how I love these! Goodness, your kiddies are getting so big!

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