Let’s just start this off by saying that today is my 12 year anniversary. Happy Anniversary, sweetie! Thanks for sticking with me! I love you!
Summer is in full swing here, which means, I hardly have time to get this blog post up. So let’s just see if I can keep this to 11 images this time.
I’ve had this idea for a while, but finally took and edited the picture. See the original HERE.
She cut 10 inches of her hair to donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, but before I could send it off, I needed to make this picture happen.
And I got an underwater bag.
And I’m obsessed.
My self portrait this month wasn’t taken by me, so it’s not really a self portrait. But, I had to share this beautiful picture taken by the talented Christie Hobson of Christie Hobson Photography. We were down in Orange County for our summer vacation, and I HAD to hire Christie to capture our family. I love her. Check out more of the session right here.
If you like what you see here, come like me on Facebook!
Up next is my amazingly talented friend, Taryn from Blu Hippo Photography from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Her work always makes me feel calm and happy. I know you’ll love it too!
Fran Barker
August 12, 2013
I adore your love for the underwater pictures. Not only are the results fun to look at but they show your passion as well. The family portrait is amazing, such an incredible treasure! Happy Anniversary, friend. Here is to many, many more!!
August 12, 2013
you and that underwater bag were meant for each other, seriously. AMAZING. all of them. And that first one is so incredibly original and creative, I am blown away.
Jen Stafford
August 12, 2013
Holy moly, those underwater pictures are AMAZING! And what a beautiful family you have.
August 12, 2013
gorgeous family photo! I love it! and of course those underwater photos are just amazing…(now I wish I had a pool). Your daughter is just so awesome and caring to donate her hair!
Robert Towler
August 12, 2013
Happy anniversary!!!
August 12, 2013
I absolutely ADORE your underwater photography! I knew you would totally rock it when you said you were getting a bag for your camera. What fabulous shots and that one with your daughter’s hair is genius. You have a gorgeous family too!
August 14, 2013
Omg, you OWN underwater photography. Seriously, they are incredible. Am in love with the one of your daughters hair. I’d love to climb inside your head sometime to bathe in all that awesome creativity. Love these. x
Tonya Teran
August 15, 2013
Haha!! Omg I love that hair cut picture
You are amazing. I love your underwater images, they scream YOU. So fun!