Prepare yourself for an overshare. I love this family. I photographed them last year and was so happy that they came back to me again this year. The mom says she is committed to getting professional pictures every year, and really, that pretty much makes me squeal with glee inside my little noggin, because they’re a beautiful family, and the little boy, well, take a look for yourself.
He’s a stunner. Check out his two different colored eyes. Can you say “WOW!”?
Some of my favorites from the day. There’s nothing quite like Daddy Love.And there’s nothing quite like Mommy Love either.
So many favorites!
Thanks so much for looking! And thank you C, S and C for giving me the opportunity to watch your family grow. I look forward to next year!
You can follow me on Facebook! I love new fans.
November 14, 2011
Laura, Strikingly beautiful eyes. I love the image of Dad and the book. What an awesome Family. Thanks!
Kara Layfield
November 14, 2011
Love his eyes!! There is just so much emotion here…precious!
Kel Ward
November 16, 2011
Oh my gosh, this child is BEAUTIFUL!!! What an amazing session, Laura! You are a true talent. Wow.
November 20, 2011
Another INCREDIBLE session Laura! Your ability to capture connection is remarkable! Awesome work!
Kathleen Weibel
November 20, 2011
Love, love, love! Such an awesome session. I love the way you see the world.