Life Stories: The Story of a Girl, a Pink Hat, and a Mother’s Love| San Francisco Bay Area Child Photographer

Once there was a girl

who had a new pink hat.

She loved her pink hat.  It matched her pink sunglasses….

It even matched her pink hair.

She was a girl that could be sassy, serene, silly.

Sometimes, when she was thinking, she would hold her hands just like this.

She was contemplative.  Sometimes quiet.

Sometimes… not.

But one thing was for sure.  She took her mommy’s breath away.

Again and again.

And again….

Her mommy looked into her daughter’s big brown eyes, and with just the briefest glimpse, everything was right with the world.


Sometimes, when her mommy looked at her, she saw a little girl.

But with just the slightest shift in perspective, she would realize that her little girl was growing up…

…into someone amazingly beautiful…

…with a depth behind her eyes that always took her mommy’s breath away.

And while her mommy loved watching her daughter grow into such an amazing big girl…

…she still was a little sad.

When the girl with the pink hat realized that her mommy was sad, she felt sad too.

“What’s the matter, Mommy?” she asked, peering earnestly  into her mommy’s eyes.

“”Oh, sweetie,” said the mommy forlornly, “will you still love me when you’re older?”

The girl looked directly into her mommy’s soul.


And started to giggle….

And then really started to laugh laugh laugh!

“You’re so silly!  Of course I’ll always love you, Mommy!” she said sweetly, hugging herself.  “Always and forever.”

“Do you promise?” the mommy asked.

“Yes, Mommy.  I do.”

And the mommy and the girl with the pink hat lived happily ever after.

This age is a perfect age for a session for your growing child!  They are learning to express themselves as they begin to emerge into the person they are becoming.  If it’s not obvious, I love photographing this age and would love to help you freeze your child at the age they are right now.

And in case you don’t know what this Life Stories thing is about, I’m participating in a blog circle with other amazing photographers from around the globe.  Every month, we share images about our own family.  It’s a chance to be sure we’re taking the time to capture our own moments.  I am honored to be part of this amazing group and am happy to send you on over to Taryn Lisa Photography’s blog!  Read her story and then follow her link to another photographer.  Follow the links all the way around, and you’ll end up right back here.  It’s a big ol’ picture fest!

You can follow me on FACEBOOK.

About the Author:


  1. amy lenhart
    June 29, 2012

    love these laura you captures so many great images you could plaster your whole wall with big prints!!! she is so beautiful and looks like an awesome kid! so full of fun and life!!

  2. Amber
    June 29, 2012

    Hands down, my favorite story EVER. It could be a book and I would read it to my little girls over and over and over <3 LOVE

  3. Amy G.
    June 29, 2012

    Wow. Love this. LOVE. What a beautiful girl and wonderful story. Thanks for showing me what’s important – I want to capture my girls this way.

  4. Sonja
    June 29, 2012

    Stunning. I actually started crying! Your daughter (and your images) is lovely.

  5. Krissy Allori
    June 29, 2012

    LOVE LOVE LOVE! You are so incredible.

  6. Sara K
    June 29, 2012

    So beautiful! I have tears running down my face…thinking of my daughter and how quickly she is growing! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Laura
    June 29, 2012

    Oh my stars! I am crazy in love with this. So beautiful. So perfect.

  8. Kathleen Weibel
    June 29, 2012

    What an amazing gift you have not only for photographs, but also for words. I love the story and the amazing way that you talk to and interact with children. You babies are so blessed to have you as their Mommy.

  9. Alison Janki
    June 29, 2012

    OH MY GOSH….This is flat out amazing!! I am IN TEARS, LAURA!!!!!
    You have this INCREDIBLE talent to share with the world….
    These images are full of emotion, beauty, innocence and love.
    I LOVE this post…

  10. Taryn Boyd
    June 29, 2012

    Laura…these are all so beautiful… *tears*
    You are so talented my friend.

  11. sally
    June 29, 2012

    awww, Laura, I just love this so very, very much.

  12. Liz
    June 29, 2012

    Laura! These are so beautiful. SHE is so beautiful Love every single shot. You captured her perfectly. You are an amazing artist.

  13. Marie
    June 29, 2012

    Oh my. I have no words to express what I felt as I read this. You captured your sweet, beautiful daughter so perfectly. Simply incredible. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Danielle Frank
    June 29, 2012

    I love how you’ve written this month’s story! She’s so beautiful! I hope you PRINT this (the images and the words) so that you’ll always, always have it to read threw.

  15. Rachel
    June 29, 2012

    She is so beautiful and what a good way to remember her as she grows older.

  16. Carrie
    June 29, 2012

    Each and every one of these is breathtaking!!! Your daughter, the styling, the compositions, the locations… I could list every detail because it is all perfect! You are amazing Laura!! Amazing!!

  17. Corrie Lindroos
    June 29, 2012

    Laura, these are amazing! Your images are so soulful and move me every time. Your daughter is a classic beauty.

  18. Kimberly Mann
    June 30, 2012

    Darn you Laura Morita for making me CRY AGAIN!!?!! These are soooo beautiful-lovely storytelling. You have a way of making every age, every moment seem perfect.

  19. Stephanie Lemmon
    June 30, 2012

    Wow! These are all just beautiful.

    The story left me crying! So lovingly written.

  20. Jeni
    June 30, 2012

    Beautiful! Just perfect. Your commentary brought tears to my eyes. I must go shoot some pictures of my own growing girl. I wish you lived closer so I could hire you to do it!

  21. Miriam
    June 30, 2012

    I love the images and I love the storyline. Well done!

  22. Marc Morita
    July 01, 2012

    Fantastic, Laura. Something to treasure.

  23. Jackie
    July 02, 2012

    She is BEAUTIFUL!! I love every one of these images, so perfect!

  24. Natalie
    July 02, 2012

    Oh Laura…. this just touches my soul! Such wonderful photos and story telling!

  25. ShellyS
    July 02, 2012

    And the mommy impressed everyone who read this wonderful story and saw these beautiful images that the mommy captured of her lovely growing daughter that she loves so very much. Sigh.

  26. Kathleen Lau
    July 02, 2012

    Oh Laura, This is just so BEAUTIFUL! She is just gorgeous (just like you!) and I love your story. Thanks for sharing.

  27. Lauren
    July 02, 2012

    Laura, these are stunning. And the words behind the photos made me cry. Gorgeous work & beautiful little (big) girl. :)

  28. Jackie K
    July 03, 2012

    I just love these! I get so excited when I see you have another life story to post. Beautiful!!!!!!!

  29. Taryn Chrapkowski
    July 04, 2012

    Absolutely STUNNING! I cannot even begin to pick out a favorite!

  30. Jen
    July 05, 2012

    These are such beautiful images!

  31. Beth
    July 11, 2012

    Wow. That’s all I can say really. You tapped into my emotions with this one and the never ending march of time.

  32. Fran Barker
    July 11, 2012

    Laura, Laura, Laura!! You never stop amazing me. Thank you for sharing this incredible series. Love your work!

  33. Azure
    July 21, 2012

    I am crying. CRYING! These are so beautiful and the way you tell the story of your little girl growing up but still your little girl and… I don’t even have words. Just tears. STUNNING.

  34. Cami
    August 21, 2012

    Gorgeous! Thanks for sharing! Your stories are so inspiring…

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