My poor neglected blog.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve been busy. Busy with holiday preparations. Busy with every day life. Busy with being busy.
I’m so busy sometimes that I prioritize the most important stuff. Groceries make it into the house, but for the moment, I’ll just put away the stuff that needs to be refrigerated. The other stuff can wait. Laundry can get washed and put into the drier. And then it can sit there for a while. Perhaps several days. And who needs to brush their teeth?
Kidding. Everyone should brush their teeth. Let’s not get crazy now.
So, anyway. time is slipping away from me, and I figgered it was time for a blog post. I thought I’d share one of my most recent shoots with my muses. I have been wanting to do a session with their drum set for a while and insanely decided that what better day to do a shoot than on the day after Thanksgiving? We would be at my brother’s, so heck, why not cart the drum set in the car? And pack all the possible clothing options too? And gee, it just so happened to be BITTER COLD that morning, but hey, we’ll just layer the bajeezus out of them. They’ll be fine!
Why yes, she IS wearing her pajamas under her outfit. hee hee….
So, here we go….
The dude was INTO it. Rock it, little man!
This one reminds me of American Gothic. Tee hee heeeeeee…..
He just makes me laugh. Dang it all.
The band takes a minute for some press shots. Thanks kids. 😉
Sometimes rock stars just need a minute by themselves to collect their thoughts.
But, then it’s right back to doin’ it for the fans.
Some shots with their manager.
A little down time with the manager.
Something about this one, just makes me pause.
And this one just makes me smile.
And since I realize I am sadly missing from all these shots, a little Christmas self portrait just for you:
becca wersland
December 18, 2010
O.M.G. I am in love with all of these, Laura! I feel like I say it all the time, but your kids are the cutest. EVER! The shots with the ‘manager’ are so darn cute, and I absolutely adore the drum concept and styling. Thanks for sharing!
December 18, 2010
WOW! So many different feelings throughout the post! Laughing, sweetness, breath caught in throat from amazement! They might have rocked the photoshoot – but mama, you were the one rocking it! All are wonderful!
December 18, 2010
These are wonderful Laura! Your personality just shines through your work. These are refreshing, funky and a whole lot of awesome! I just love the shots with the kids and their dad, so cool!
December 18, 2010
BEAU-TI-FUL!!! I enjoyed reading your blog post and captions as much as looking at the images. Your kids are seriously the best and ALL 4 of you totally “ROCKED” the session!
December 19, 2010
Fantastic!!! Rock on, Laura! Your work is so awesome!
December 19, 2010
Oh, Laura! These are the amazing! I love them all so much!!!
Deirdre Dunham
December 19, 2010
Adore. That’s all – just “adore.” No, wait – can’t help but to write more! Your work is like a breath of fresh air, Laura – always fun, whimsical, hilarious and, most of all, beautiful. I love, love, love seeing a new LMP blog post!
Jen Gasper
December 19, 2010
These are beyond words adorable! You are so creative and so fun when it comes to sessions! Your kids must LOVE to do sessions with you! I don’t even possibly think your kids could be any cuter! (And it doesn’t surprise me because you and the stage manager ain’t so bad yourselves ;)) Love! MWAH!
Krissy Allori
December 19, 2010
LOVED your holiday card!!! Every photo in this post was sooooo awesome. One of my most favoritest blogs to read.
Taryn Chrapkowski
December 19, 2010
Love everything about this! The personalities shine through. What an amazingly fun shoot!
Fabiana Beatriz
December 19, 2010
You have such a way of capturing personalities. Your work is always inspiring, but your work with your children just SHINES. These will be such a treasure to you in future years. LOVE THEM ALL.
Sylvia Borgo
December 19, 2010
Ahhhh, Laura. Your kiddos are not the only ones that are rockstars, you know. I absolutely love you and how your sense of humor comes out in your images. A. and J. steal my heart every time I see them!
Julie Buckman
December 19, 2010
Your work just has been such a joy to watch as you blossom and find your style. I think you found yourself in these. They just make me smile when I see them. I would have them all over my house if I were you!
December 20, 2010
Coming to your blog always makes me happy, and, to be honest, a tad (read – a lot!) jealous of your talent! Happy holidays to you and your beautiful family too Laura x
Kelly Mack
December 20, 2010
These are rocking Laura!
Love your family. Happy holidays to you!!
Kara Layfield
December 20, 2010
I love love love this session with your family!! The ones with the manager (a.k.a. Dad) make me smile!! You all must have had a blast taking these! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
Kari Wright
December 20, 2010
These are fabulous! That manager looks like someone that you wouldn’t want to mess with, lol.
Julie Delgado
December 20, 2010
WOW these are all so GREAT. Love them. Your kids are super cute!
December 20, 2010
love these laura!!! you should totally make a little album out of them! really adorable! so creative! i bet they had such a fun time even with the cold!!
December 21, 2010
Love your work Laura! These are beautifully done! Adore that self portrait, too! : )
Liat Biderovsky
December 21, 2010
Oh man, I LOVE your work so much! These are just amazing and I love that you managed to get dad involved too
December 21, 2010
Love your work as always. These are so fun and fresh! I really admire your creativity! Great work and looking forward to see more of your excellent work!
Kate Craft
December 26, 2010
LOve LOve LOve these …so fun and happy!
Kel Ward
December 27, 2010
These are so awesome!!! Your family is just gorgeous and these are so fun and well done. Love the self portrait!
Nicole Ridella
December 29, 2010
I love these Laura – so fun and so full of exuberance! Your Christmas card is fantastic!
December 29, 2010
These are so cute! Love the feel to them!
December 30, 2010
Oh, these are precious, and beautiful and fun! I can’t choose a favourite! Laura, seriously, they make me smile!
December 31, 2010
I LOVED YOUR CARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful job. My son is sitting here going nuts over them and he’s only two! (he wants those drums!)
Great job. I love your work… big fan!
Barbara Hurst
January 02, 2011
I know the world will be your oyster this year Laura, you are such a beautiful photographer.
Jamie Siever
January 05, 2011
So, on top of being smart, kind and sweet, you get to be this talented? And get to have such adorable kids?! LOVE everything about these, including your comments on the photos.
Tori Piercy
January 05, 2011
This card has been sitting in my window and makes me smile each and everyday! You are somthing special LauraMo
These are awesome and I hope you and your family had an amazing holiday season!
January 12, 2011
Oh my world, love it – how fun for kids, and so creative! Gorgeous work!
January 20, 2011
what an FUN sessions!! your kiddos are so adorable and so lucky to have such a cool mom!