It’s been a dang fine month. And I’m sort of wishing this project was called 25 on 25 or something, cuz I have lots of images I want to share. But I will try to limit it to 11-ish. If you don’t know what this 11 on 11 project is, you can read about it right here.
Let’s get this party started. If you saw last month’s post, then you know my daughter turned 10. I had fun with her pictures for that. She celebrated her birthday with her friends at a gymnastics place. She had a blast. And because I didn’t want any leftover cake, those kids got the BIGGEST pieces of cake ever. LOL. I don’t think any of them even finished their plate.
We went for a hike. It was a really pretty day.
My daughter was having a grand ol’ time.
My son… well, he was sighing heavily because I made him stand there for 2 seconds. Poor child of a photographer.
The planets aligned this year because all of my siblings’ kids had the same Spring Break. This hasn’t happened in three years.
It. Was. Awesome.
I love my family.
Of course, we had to go to Target. And in a rare moment, the dude WANTED me to take his picture. Shocking. Seriously.
We went to Japantown in San Francisco. I am in love with this wall.
And for a very strange reason, my daughter’s head grew very very big. Her usually normal sized hat now looked incredibly small. Weird.
My niece is actually a panda with duck lips.
And my nephew is uber cool.
My niece is seriously just the cutest little girl. I adore her little underbite and her voice and her giggle. She’s fantastic.
This is my youngest nephew. He’s in love with my kids, especially my daughter. He is energetic and adorable. I swear, my siblings make really cute kids.
Um, 11 is not enough pictures when my entire family was here. Don’t count. I can’t stop.
My dad has a photography gallery going on right now. He’s an incredibly talented photographer.
My mom continues to fight hard. She starts “maintenance chemo” this week. Hoping those brain tumors get the message and just stay the heck away. I love the relationship my daughter and mom have. It makes me melt. That one on the left was a simultaneous blink from the two biggest blinkers in my family. I love it. I love them.
OK. Let’s pretend that I have now shared 10 images. I will now share my 11th image! A self portrait of sorts. A family self portrait at that!
The story that goes along with this picture is a doozy. If I ever see you in person, you should ask me about it. Let’s just say it’s a miracle that this picture happened with relatively everyone smiling. Most of the spouses couldn’t make it since they have non-school jobs and don’t get a Spring Break. My sister in law was respresentin’ the in-laws. She’s aces.
And one last one of my parents and their four children. The one in the striped shirt is their favorite. Obviously.
I had to do some serious culling to get that down to 11, or um, close to 11. Next up is the insanely talented Sallykate Photography. She’s such an amazing photographer, and I am honored to be part of this blog circle with her. Go check her out. She just got a fisheye lens, I’m just gonna take a guess that MAYBE she’s showing some of that stuff off over there.
Bye now!
April 11, 2013
Your photos are always so happy! They make me smile
April 11, 2013
I just love how joyful nad witty your photos are!!! love your work!
April 11, 2013
You are such an amazing photographer! Your photos are always so REAL! Full of love and laughter.
I always smile when I come to your page!
Fran Barker
April 11, 2013
“The one in the striped shirt is their favorite.” Love it!! I love your humor, I love your mom’s strength, your dad’s gallery of images (WOWZER!) and I love how your siblings were all able to spend time together.
Kara Layfield
April 11, 2013
Such a beautiful family!! Love your storytelling Laura…you always make me smile! You are so blessed!
April 11, 2013
well I didn’t get any fisheyes up on my blog (next month for sure!!!).
But your fisheyes are awesome! Especially the grocery store one. So in love. And wow, your dad IS an incredible photographer! We know where you got it!!! Beautiful 11-on-11!
April 11, 2013
I am always excited to see new blog posts from you! Your images are always so beautiful– full of color, life, and joy.
Kathleen Weibel
April 11, 2013
You have the cutest family, and your amazing personality shines through in your photos.
April 11, 2013
Pretty awesome you are Laura. Couldn’t pick a fav. Love all those skies…you got it…and by it I mean crazy talent.
Anne Kerr
April 11, 2013
GAHHH! Incredible Laura!! You have an awesome brood!! That is just rad that your dad has a gallery up! I want to check him out now. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree my dear! You are SO talented!!
April 11, 2013
Wow! I love your work Laura! Any chance you want a holiday in Australia??!! Then you could photograph MY family
April 11, 2013
Laura, I love your perspective and your obvious love of life so so so much. Its inspiring. You are inspiring. And I want to check out your dads gallery right now. From what I can see, its amazing. And how stunning is your niece? Wow!! Good genes from the Moritas.
Rebecca M
April 11, 2013
LOVE your perspective on things. Some day if I ever win the lottery first place I am coming is to you for a session and mentoring!! So glad to see pics of your mom and that she is still doing well. Such a brave woman!!
Megan Schreurs
April 11, 2013
Gah! You rock that Wide Angle lens so hard! I love it! I want one! Beautiful family!
Sara F
April 11, 2013
Always love your work. I didn’t know your dad was a photographer. Very talented family!
April 11, 2013
What an amazing and beautiful family you have. Love all of these. Like really. Such fun moments and beautiful portraits. You rock -as always.
April 12, 2013
What an absolute honor it is to watch your family grow, love and be happy x
April 12, 2013
Laura, these are seriously amazing. I am honestly so glad you don’t share just 11! You have such a beautiful family, loved seeing you all (ok, mostly everyone) I do think my favorite is the one of your daughter with the hat that shrunk! May I ask what lens you use? You are amazing with it.
Kel Ward
April 12, 2013
I don’t know how you do it, but you make the ordinary look truly extraordinary! I mean, you made a trip down the aisle at Target look magical! You are SO talented!
Taryn Boyd
April 14, 2013
hahahhhaahahah! you always make me laugh and so do your pictures. Even if I didn’t know you personally (I mean fb is so personal. lol) I know you through your photos. Beautiful kids, beautiful family, beautiful images. beautiful words.
PERFECTION as always.
SIde Note: I’d like to adopt your parents. No wonder you’re so cool! xo
Tonya Teran
April 15, 2013
I always love your posts Laura
So full of fun and happiness, I can’t help but smile along while reading
Love your images, as always
And I am so glad to be in this circle with talented you!
April 30, 2013
I enjoy your personality and love, love, love your photography. I can only hope to be as fantastic as you one day.