I have an interesting story of how this photo shoot came to be.
Over two years ago, I was scheduled to fly to a photography workshop when my mom was diagnosed with cancer. I canceled the trip, called the airlines, and got a voucher number that I could use within a year. In my distraught state, I just threw that voucher number into my desk and forgot about it. I found it right before it expired and ended up booking a ticket to Portland to visit and shoot with some amazing photographer friends. On my flight back, I sat on the plane and edited those photos on my laptop. Unbeknownst to me…
someone was watching…. (insert ominous music here)
She liked what she saw, and by some sneaky moves that I still don’t quite understand, she found out who I was (I’m guessing I watermarked an image?) and a year later, she contacted me to do this session.
That’s cool, right?
And gosh am I ever glad she found me, because her family is amazing.
They all came together from different parts of the country to celebrate the littlest guy’s 100th day birthday, a Korean tradition.
Here are some of my fav’s from the session.
I am really close to my family and it was wonderful to watch all of these guys interacting. The comfort and love that family brings is like none other.
Both the kiddos had fallen asleep on their way to our session. When this sweet little three year old started to wake up, I couldn’t resist grabbing a picture.
Seriously…I love this family.
It took him a while to warm up, but gosh, it was worth the wait.
I really was tickled when the sun came out and little baby E woke up. I love that he is so chubby that he has a dimple on his forehead.
Isn’t he a little angel?
And my favorites of the day were the last several shots fired.
Mother and daughters.
So much love….so much energy….so much laughter….
I had a wonderful time with this family. Who knew that a ticket voucher, almost lost, would be the reason for this session? Pretty dang cool.
Thanks so much for looking! You can follow me on Facebook, if you like, and I always appreciate comments. Have a wonderful day!
April 11, 2012
Okay. Stop it. These are ridiculous – the color, the crispness, the fresh feeling, the love! I kinda sorta want to be a part of this family now – and I don’t even know these people! They look amazing and I love how you captured them in such a natural way; and I bet they love it, too. And wow – what a cool story about how they found you. Clearly you + them = a match made in heaven – it was meant to be!
April 11, 2012
I love this session so much! Pure love and emotion shines through —- beautiful comps and color. Swoon! I just love your work so much.
I love the story equally! I love how I was also on the receiving end of this lucky voucher! It was wonderful to meet you in person. And I love how you rolled the dice on Portland and so many people benefitted! Your in-person energy is so magnetic, vibrant and endearing, it is easy to see that all this flies through your camera and straight into the end product. xoxo
Aimee Maughan
April 11, 2012
Beautiful Family shots! Love them!
joo lee
April 11, 2012
April 11, 2012
These are just beautiful!
April 11, 2012
These are gorgeous! Beautiful color and light, and I love how you captured this family and their love for each other.
amy lenhart
April 11, 2012
awe laura these are beautiful!! i love how you captured this family! such love and laughter shown through your images!!
April 11, 2012
These are just wonderful! You are a Great photographer and the family was right to “find out” who you are. You did what i love most…Captured them being them! I feel as if we were there with you and can almost hear their laughter! Great Job!
April 11, 2012
Lovely. You really brought this family session to life!
April 11, 2012
Gosh Laura – the emotion and joy in these is palpable. You talented lady – I am not surprised the lady held on to your details for so long! This session was definitely worth waiting for!
April 11, 2012
You did an incredible job of capturing real, genuine connections between these family members! Gorgeous images.
April 11, 2012
SO Beautiful!!! The love is palpable. What a true joy to feel that love and capture it… Thanks for sharing with all of us!
April 11, 2012
I love these photos — they make me want to drive up to the bay area right now to have our own family session with you. The love that this family has for each other seriously jumps right through the computer screen and makes me feel happy just looking at them.
And, what gorgeous little boys!!
April 11, 2012
I love how you captured this family – really great work!!
April 12, 2012
these are so amazing!! each and every photo here is absolutely perfect!
David Pittle
April 12, 2012
You really justify my sense of you as a photographer. You catch the right moments with the right composition and, of course, the technical competence.
April 17, 2012
wow, these are so awesome. Love all that joy and love flying around like MAD.
April 27, 2012
These are beautiful Laura! You did an amazing job! Love your new site too!