I’m embarrassed that I missed last month’s 11 on 11. I was getting ready for my online editing workshop. Well, I finished that workshop and am getting ready for another one. (Go check it out! ) But how could I miss another 11 on 11? I am extremely proud to be associated with this amazing group of photographers. They push me to be a better photographer and person. I just HAD to get my act together.
And so I stepped away from the computer, and shot some new pictures. Thanks, ladies, for giving me the push to get out there and do some shooting. I have MAD LOVE for y’all.
Oh, and if you have no idea what this 11 on 11 thing is, you can read about it right HERE.
So, since I missed last month’s, if, theoretically, I posted 22 images instead of 11, then that would be okay, right? And likely, no one bothers counting how many pictures are actually posted so whatever I post would be fine, right? OK. Just making sure.
Let’s get this party started. First, some that I shot in May. My daughter donated 10 inches of her hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.
You can see what she looked like before the haircut right here.
Self portraits seem to go way better with the kids when I hand them the remote.
And some from June….
Crazy Hair Day at school may very well be my daughter’s very favorite day of school. She practiced doing this all week and woke up early to get it just right. We went organic strawberry picking at Swanton Berry Farms in Davenport. Loved it. Want to go again.
The sky was having a hard time making an appearance that day. It was gray and dingy looking for a good chunk of the time we picked strawberries. Luckily, I know how to add a fake sky.
Wanna learn how? Check out my upcoming editing workshop on June 23.
After picking 20 pounds of strawberries, we headed toward the store to weigh, pay, snack, and play.
This place was just cool. Lots of neat antique toys and games. I was dying over the window light and colors.
The dude was pretty interested in the Magic 8 Ball. “Will I get lots of new Pokemon games for Christmas?” Um, sorry, dude. Outlook Not So Good….
My little reader…..
There was an antique Howdy Doody doll just hanging out. Sorry to break this to you, but Howdy Doody is sort of creepy.
Despite the creepy factor, I found myself rather enamored by the antique ventriloquist doll with no clothes and a gap between his teeth. I figured he deserved a seat in one of my self portraits. Not as cute as my son, for sure, but Howdy Doody DOES stay still. That’s a plus.
So, that was pretty much 11 pictures… times three or something. Next up is the fabulous Alison from Alison Janki Photography. Go check her out and follow the link at the end of her post. Keep clicking through for lots of wonderful eye candy. Make it all the way through the circle, and you’ll make it right back here, just in time for Howdy Doody Time.
June 11, 2013
as always, your work is a blast to view! You never disappoint, you talented lady. Your daughter wins the award for the most awesome crazy hair ever.
Taryn Boyd
June 11, 2013
I missed you so much last month and I’m so glad you’re back. you are so ridiculously talented and funny!!! I don’t know how you do it! awhhh…..I can’t even begin to pick a favorite!
sarah cambio
June 11, 2013
Your photos are always so fun and happy to look at it. Love the colors in the strawberry picking photos!
Tonya Teran
June 11, 2013
So so so glad to be a part of this project with you and your fabulous self
Your family is so fun and I love seeing your monthly antics 
Anne Kerr
June 11, 2013
Laura-say what?! How do I even know you?! The strawberry picking ones…they are INCREDIBLE!!! Love that sky and your colors and how you are able to capture a whole gamut of emotions with your kids. Your talent is never ending……You just constantly amaze me!!
June 11, 2013
oh shit…how do i even go after you?!?!
THESE ARE INCREDIBLE!!! I could just sit and reread this post a hundred times…
AMAZING IMAGES (every last one) and I can’t even pick a favorite!
You have such an insane talent and your personality just shines through in every image.
You have a gift from God and all I can say is just WOW.
June 11, 2013
Am SO SO SO happy you are back this month – cant believe how much I missed your awesome self last time. These are amazing Laura, as usual. Looking at your work just makes. me. happy. Every time. You are the master of good vibes. I love the portrait of A after donating her hair. And yes, howdy doody is mega creepy. Cant believe you put him on your lap 😉
Fran Barker
June 11, 2013
Laura, you never stop amazing!! These are perfect, priceless, and hysterical all in one! Love them… All 55 of them. 😉
June 11, 2013
Awesomeness Laura. Love them all. The gif is rad too. Full of life…
kate t. parker
June 11, 2013
i want to tag along wherever you go…you make it all look like so much fun…
June 11, 2013
Seriously, my knees are starting to hurt from having to bow to you every month. These are as incredible as always and my favorite part is how insanely your personality shines through in every image you post. Even the pic with just strawberries is screaming how fabulous Laura is!
June 12, 2013
OMG your pictures ALWAYS blow me away. I love your style so, so much! Such clarity and richness of colour and of course, those amazing skies that bring the exta wow factor. Well done to your daughter for donating her gorgeous hair. I love the new cut too though.
June 12, 2013
Oh, I love your humor Laura. Your images are soaking in it. Gorgeous and fun!
Life with Kaishon
July 19, 2013
I came over to tell you congratulations on being a favorite place winner on Little Bellows today. I can’t click away from your beautiful work. I am mesmerized.