Jan 18

Walnut Creek Children Photographer | Boys boys boys

I’ve been bad about updating my blog.  Just wanted to share some images of these sweet little twin boys.  They are kinda sorta all sorts of completely adorable.  I was completely mesmerized by their eyes.  They get that mischievous eye twinkle that only boys seem to get.  I’m fairly familiar with that eye twinkle from my own little dude, and kinda sorta totally ADORE a mischievous eye twinkle.

He’s up to something, don’t you think?

His brother is kinda sorta totally a doll too.  Look at those lashes.

And look at this quiet little expression.  What’s he thinking?  Maybe he’s wondering why he’s so dang cute.

Up to something.  You can just see it.

I’ve been playing with processing.  Can you tell?  I’ve been loving adding textures onto my images and have been playing with a quiet, more subdued processing.  I think it works well here, and I love this image.

I love these boys.  They are crazily independent and sweet.  And there’s two of them.  Double love.  Double happiness.  :)

San Francisco Bay Area Child Photographer | Happy Holidays!

My poor neglected blog.  :(

If you’re anything like me, you’ve been busy.  Busy with holiday preparations.  Busy with every day life.  Busy with being busy.

I’m so busy sometimes that I prioritize the most important stuff.  Groceries make it into the house, but for the moment, I’ll just put away the stuff that needs to be refrigerated.  The other stuff can wait.  Laundry can get washed and put into the drier.  And then it can sit there for a while.  Perhaps several days.  And who needs to brush their teeth?

Kidding.  Everyone should brush their teeth.  Let’s not get crazy now.

So, anyway.  time is slipping away from me, and I figgered it was time for a blog post. I thought I’d share one of my most recent shoots with my muses.  I have been wanting to do a session with their drum set for a while and insanely decided that what better day to do a shoot than on the day after Thanksgiving?  We would be at my brother’s, so heck, why not cart the drum set in the car?  And pack all the possible clothing options too?  And gee, it just so happened to be BITTER COLD that morning, but hey, we’ll just layer the bajeezus out of them.  They’ll be fine!

Why yes, she IS wearing her pajamas under her outfit. hee hee….

So, here we go….

The dude was INTO it.  Rock it, little man!

This one reminds me of American Gothic.  Tee hee heeeeeee…..

He just makes me laugh.  Dang it all.

Ah, rock and ROLL, brother!

The band takes a minute for some press shots.  Thanks kids. 😉

Sometimes rock stars just need a minute by themselves to collect their thoughts.

But, then it’s right back to doin’ it for the fans.

Some shots with their manager.

A little down time with the manager.

Something about this one, just makes me pause.

And this one just makes me smile.

The resultant Christmas card:

And since I realize I am sadly missing from all these shots, a little Christmas self portrait just for you:

San Francisco Bay Area Children Photographer | Happy Halloween!!!!

I love Halloween.  I always have.  Something is way magical for me about Halloween.  I love just getting to pretend I’m someone else for the day.

My kids love Halloween too.  Their costumes always get so much use as they parade about the house for weeks before and after, and heck anytime all year round.

This year, my daughter reeeeeeaaaaallllly wanted to be a Kimono Princess.  We made a special trip to Japantown in San Francisco on the quest for the perfect kimono.  I think we done good.  Watcha think?

And because I love her silly side:

And my son didn’t get enough of Batman from last year.  So he again makes his appearance as

the big

the bad

the powerful BATBOY!

But, don’t let that fierce face fool you.  He’s still my sweet little baby.