This last month may well be remembered as the month that I didn’t shoot very much. I love taking pictures of my kids, but sadly, they don’t so much love me taking said pictures. In an effort to keep them loving me and not running in fear when my camera comes out, I have been, for the most part, just been leaving my camera in its bag. The horror! I’ve enjoyed many uncaptured moments which include making Oreo truffles, painting wind chimes, building Legos, reading books, dancing in the kitchen with our socks on, throwing football… you get the idea. Life has most certainly been happening, even if my camera hasn’t gotten the chance to document all this fun.
But I was determined to get my 11 pictures for this month. If you don’t know what this 11 on 11 thing is, you can read more about it HERE!
So, while pickings may be slim this month, what I can show you is this:
This is Om Nom. Om Nom is the lovable little green guy in the game ap Cut the Rope. My kids are obsessed with him. Um, so am I. He is totally adorable.
My daughter performed in the San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade for the second year in a row. This parade is the biggest Chinese New Year Parade outside of China. They work SO hard to learn their kung fu moves, songs, and dances. Here’s a shot of her before the parade.
My little guy got his orange belt this month. He refused, I mean REFUSED, to let me take a picture of him wearing his new belt. But I did manage to get this shot of the guy.
He hates my camera now. It’s such a bummer. He used to be my go to guy for pictures, but not anymore. This is more what I usually get. And why is he smiling in that last one? Oh, because he’s doing a spit bubble. Well, at least he’s smiling.
And if you’re counting, these three count as one, cuz I said so.
Wielding a light saber is serious business.
My sweetie had a birthday this month. Can you guess how old she is?
You got it! She’s TEN! HOW did my little baby turn TEN? How have I been a mother that long? It’s been an amazing ten years, and watching her grow into the amazing ten year old that she is makes me all sorts of proud and giggly. She’s an amazing child. She has been growing her hair out forEVER and is getting ready to chop it all off to donate to Pantene Beautiful Lengths so that her hair can make a wig for someone who is fighting cancer. She decided to do this on her own, and I think that is amazing. She’s a special girl.
Ten candles for ten years.
I got a little weird with this one. But I LOVE it.
And finally, the self portrait. This almost didn’t happen this month. It’s March 10, and I shot this today. SO thankful I have mad skills in Photoshop. Goodbye wrinkles!
Next up is the amazingly talented Atlanta Area Family Photographer and Rockstar, Kate T. Parker. She’s insane. Like, in a good way, insane. Like, OMG, does every picture she take have to be so dang good??? Answer? Yes. Check her out!
And if you like what you see and want to follow me on Facebook, I won’t complain.
March 11, 2013
Oh my gosh Laura you are so ridiculously creative!! Absolutely amazing shots, love them all.
Heather S.
March 11, 2013
Wow!!! Your creativity never ceases to amaze me…you are AMAZING!!! (and happy birthday to your daughter…10 is pretty special :))
Tonya Teran
March 11, 2013
Great post, Laura! The birthday hair pictures are perfect! I can’t wait to see her new short do after the big hair cut
and you are gorgeous, of course!
Aime' Photography
March 11, 2013
Hair Candles…..Brilliant!
Alison Janki
March 11, 2013
As always I am smiling ear to ear at your post! Brilliant creativity and captures, my friend! LOVE the birthday shots of your beautiful daughter and I LOVE the spit bubble shot
He is so handsome! Well, of course, you are stunning….I LOVE the selfie too!!
March 11, 2013
I bow to you. Right now, I’m seriously bowing…and typing at the same time. Fabulous, all of them and your selfie is beautifully perfect. You never cease to amaze and I consider myself extremely lucky to be able to cyber stalk you.
Fran Barker
March 11, 2013
Seriously? That self portrait is amazing!! Gorgeous smile! I LOVE your creativity here and how you seem to be embracing those double digits (YIKES!). Flawless images time after time and so fun to see.
March 11, 2013
another great month of great photos! I love what you did with your daughter’s hair! Totally cool…you’re such an awesome mom
which shows cause your daughter is so awesome to donate her hair (she looks so much like you!)
Happy Birthday!
Allison Hilyer
March 11, 2013
Um, wowwowow. These are just too fab! I LOVE THEM all!! That self portrait is gorge.
March 11, 2013
Amazing work as always. And, topped with a beautiful self portrait. LOVE everything you do! :
Terry Arnold
March 11, 2013
Laura, you are so amazingly talented! Love these photos. And love that you added that awesome self portrait!
Sonja Hammad
March 11, 2013
Even though I’ve never met you, I completely adore you, Laura! Why does every picture YOU take have to be so amazing? Seriously! And, you’re beautiful too! Loved this 11 on 11.
Anne Kerr
March 11, 2013
Laura, how do you knock it out of the part everytime?? Gosh I love the ones of your daughter so much. So creative and so YOU. Her expressions are priceless and I’m certain she shares the same awesome positive outlook on life as you. What a gift. Happy Birthday sweet princess!! And…spit bubble or not, check out that handsome man~love it!
March 12, 2013
You are a genius. Your kids are adorable in every way, even not smiling. And YOU are just so stinking cute it’s not fair.
March 13, 2013
That’s it. I’ve run out of adoring words to describe your work. Nothing I say will do you justice!
March 13, 2013
You are amazing! Your work is so unique and fun!!