I can’t believe I only missed one month of 11 on 11 this year! It’s been a great way to keep me taking pictures of my family and forcing me to get in front of the camera! Every month on the 11th, my insanely talented photographer friends and I post 11 pictures shot in the past month. The last one being a picture of ourselves! You can see some cool underwater ones here, or some other fun underwater images here, or some funny ones of my daughter’s hair right HERE!
This month was kind of a fun month. But I didn’t take my camera out too often. Pretty much my kids and husband are completely over my camera, so I try not to torture them too often. So, without further ado. The last 11 on 11 or um (ahem) 18 on 11….
We went to The Exploratorium in San Francisco.
That’s an amazing place to learn and discover. We had a blast!
We spent the day there. Had to take some breaks.
A big celebration this month was Thanksgiving. Last Thanksgiving, my mom was in the hospital getting chemotherapy for brain cancer. It was a tough time for the whole family. This year, she’s home and has had clean scans (MRI’s not showing any cancer), so it was a much more celebratory Thanksgiving!
We ended up celebrating The Morita Family First Annual Pig Out Wig Out, or as my friend dubbed it: Thankswigging.
The wigs are an interesting story. It started off with me buying a black afro at the 99 cent store. I brought it home, tried it on, and was immediately smitten. hahaha! After posting some gorgeous phone snaps with various members of the family, including the cat, wearing the wig, my sister-in-law suggested I get more so that we could wear them to Thanksgiving.
I tell you. My brother married a genius.
So, back to the 99 cent store I went, and I may or may not have bought every single wig they sold.
Before Thanksgiving, I brought them over to my mom’s house only to discover that she LOVED them. We had SO much fun wearing them that I was now certain that Thanksgiving wouldn’t be complete without the wigs.
And I was right. Wigs are awesome.
I love my crazy family.
After Christmas, my sisters will be in town too. Can’t wait for the next family photo shoot!
My genius sister in law definitely got into character.
Sort of.
My brother is tall.
My dad, or should I say, the Asian Richard Simmons, was a good sport. He was cold and just wanted to go inside and eat dinner. So we did.
My little family also went to the Christmas tree farm in Castro Valley. They are all rather sick of my camera, but I managed to get a few pictures anyway.
My beautiful daughter.
My son… well, he hates my camera. When he was younger, he was SO good in front of the camera, but as he’s grown older, that has changed. Makes me sad. I need to figure out some better bribes. I still love this picture.
And this one too. It’s him. And I adore him.
As we were ready to head out, I forced my three loves to let me take their picture.
Hear No Evil, See no Evil. Say No Evil.
Or is it Hear No Evil. See No Evil. See No Evil?
I love them.
So, there you have it. My pictures from this last month…. But let’s not forget my image! I know… I know…. I look fabulous with long wiggy hair. hahahaha!
Not sure yet if this 11 on 11 thing will be continuing into the new year, but you can always follow me on Facebook!
Up next is the completely amazing and wonderful Columbus Newborn and Baby Photographer, Fran Barker of Fran Barker Photography.
Her work is amazing. And she’s uber awesome as a person too. Go check her out!
December 11, 2013
Totally enjoy your 11 on 11 posts….I hope you will continue with them in some way! and I love your crazy family wigs! what a great and fun idea (wish my family would be fun and crazy! we are boring! LOL)
Tonya Teran
December 11, 2013
As usual, these are so full of fun and happiness and love. Your family is awesome Laura <3 I love all the wigs :p
December 12, 2013
LOVE these, Laura! Those wig pictures are an absolute hoot. Your family are totally crazy but in a good way
I love getting a glimpse into your life each month.
Fran Barker
December 22, 2013
HA!!!! The wigs….oh the wigs.
Such fun and total treasures. I wouldn’t expect anything else from the one and only Laura Morita Photography. <3
December 25, 2013
I love this! The wigs are great and your family is awesome! And hilarious! Beautiful photography.
My brother is a 17 year survivor of brain cancer and I hope your mom will be too.
December 26, 2013
Thank you so much! And that is AMAZING about your brother! Yea!