This is my third time photographing this family, and I hope I can do this every year forever, because well, you’ll see. They’re just beautiful people. The little boy has two different colored eyes and the longest lashes and the sweetest little personality and oh my goodness….when he got out of the car and his beautiful mom introduced him to me (I haven’t seen him in two years), he came right up to me and said “Hello Miss Laura,” and then he wrapped his teeny little arms around my neck and gave me the sweetest hug and gave me the most darling smile. Seriously??? I was in love instantly and if I thought I could have outrun them, I may have just gone and taken him, because because… well, you’ll see.
The interesting thing about this particular family session was how it started. I have to say this is my first photography session where I had to call 911. Yep. That’s right. 911. And it wasn’t because it was an emergency that this family was so beautiful.
When I first got there, I heard some popping and looked over and saw a fire. I honestly thought it was a controlled fire at first, and just kept walking around, just checking out the area and light. And then I hear a guy screaming “Oh my GAH!” and start bolting across a field. He looks at me and asks me to call…well, screams at me to call 911. I was like “um, that’s not a CONTROLLED fire?” And he says “The stairs are on fire!” I look more closely, and sure enough a flight of stairs is on fire with low hanging tree branches getting pretty dang toasty. So, I whip out my phone and call 911 while he goes running to get a hose. Freaking crazy. So, the firefighters came just as my lovely clients were arriving. I fully expected this little five year old Kindergartener to be like “yo, there’s a fire truck and I ain’t goin’ anywhere because, um, THERE’S a FIRE and a FIRETRUCK.” But instead, he was super darling, listened to his parents, and we just walked to an area far away from the firetruck so we could get our photos on.
I did mention he has two different colored eyes, right? Seriously, I’m sure you don’t blame me for being completely enamored by this child.
Look at his eyelashes….. OMG. His eeeeeyyyyyeeeellllassssshesssss…..He loves his mama. It’s really quite adorable.
Did I mention I love his eyelashes? I did? Are you sure? OK. Good, because OMG.
Mama had the prettiest hair ever and obviously just adores her son.
Seriously? Just… seriously. I love everything about this. His hair, his eyes, his face, his pose, and that cute little bruise on his elbow.
I love how he’s doing his own little kissy face watching his parents kiss, and the look that mom and dad were giving each other kind of melted my heart.
Aren’t they gorgeous?
After we had kept our distance from the firetruck for a majority of our session, I realized that the chances of having a shiny firetruck at your disposal, parked in a field, as the sun is getting low in the sky, are pretty much next to nil. So, I smacked my face a little for having almost missed the opportunity and then used that shiny truck as a backdrop. And once I got home and looked at those images, I felt quite strongly that a blue sky with clouds HAD to be added to the photos. So, I did. If you’ve never had good luck adding a fake sky to a blown sky, then you should go check out my Nothin’ But Blue Skies Bundle pack over at my store, an excellent resource for photographers.
Thank you so much, beautiful C, S, and C! You guys are awesome. Next time, let’s avoid me calling 911…. Or not.