Cutest baby ever. EVER! I tell you! Well, except for my own kids….

OK.  I can’t help it.  I might just be on a bit of a posting rampage in the next week or so.

Bear with me.

My family has been here, and I’m kinda sorta just completely GAGA for them.  I have lots of pics of my nieces and nephews and am feeling a little bit sad since I just dropped my sister and newest nephew off at the airport tonight.  Boo hoo.  Someone, give me a tissue!

This little guy is just really super duper cute, right?  I mean, not the average-run-of-your-mill sort of cute.  He’s like, EXTRA cute.  Right?  He is.  I know it.  I know it’s true.  I am a very objective person when it comes to my sweet baby  nephew.

This first picture was taken a couple months ago, but my sister made me promise not to post it until she got her birth announcements out.  They’re out.  So, I can’t wait any longer.

Ladies and gentlemen!  Boys and girls!  I present to you, the cutest baby EVAR!

OK, but there’s more.  MORE!

LOOK at his FACE!  Look at his LIPS!  Ugh!  He’s really cute.

But seriously, look at his chin.  Just do it.  Go ahead. LOOK!

Did you see that?  See those lips?  See his cute little square face?  Isn’t he cute???

OK.  I’m done gushing.

Stay tuned for pics of the TWINS.  Oh yeah, baby.  Twins.  They’re cute too.

I love my family.…